Our service department and maintenance technicians are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Our technicians have a 2-hour response time, they are all experienced and continuously educate themselves on the latest HVAC products, so we are always up to date on the most current technology in the industry. They arrive to your facility completely equipped to service your job. AME has a fully stocked warehouse with all control components, so our technicians have access to everything you need in case anything unexpected comes up.

At AME we consider preventative maintenance the most important thing you can do to help maintain the optimal running of your building system. We provide preventative maintenance contracts for just this reason. Our contracts provide full time, highly trained technicians dedicated to ensuring the uninterrupted, efficient running of your building. Our technicians schedule and maintain regular preventative maintenance (PM) checkups to prevent unexpected downtime and increase efficiency.

AME also provides remote support and we use command center software for the set up and operation of your system network for a smooth and easy to use system you can manage anywhere.
Listed below is what our service and maintenance department offer:

 24/7/365
 Remote Monitoring 24/7
 Technician 2 Hour Response Time
 Preventive Maintenance Contracts
 Full Time Staffed Contract
 Regularly Scheduled preventative maintenance
 Fully Stocked Warehouse with all control components
 Remote Support
 Command Center
 Fix “Sick Buildings”

To receive a quote on our services please visit us at: www.ame-inc.com

AME Inc. – Connected Buildings Made Smarter