The security of your company is of the utmost importance to us. Our security team is highly skilled in determining where your security risks lie and then providing the best solutions to protect your building assets and tenants. We work with you to customize the system design to ensure your specific needs are met.

By working with Honeywell, AME is able to offer the best systems and products like Honeywell card access and Honeywell video to help you manage your security from the simplest to the most complex system with ease.

We design, install and service new security and monitoring systems and we are able to integrate any existing system you have to increase efficiency and reduce costs. We provide custom software interfaces, engineered software drawings, maintenance contracts, intrusion detection, asset protection systems, access control systems, emergency communications systems and 24/7 customer support and service.

Listed below is what our team offers in security and monitoring:
 Honeywell Card Access
 Honeywell Video
 Custom Software Interfaces
 Engineered Application Drawings
 Maintenance Contracts
 Intrusion Detection

To receive a quote on our services please visit us at:

AME Inc. – Connected Buildings Made Smarter