Our extensive expertise in engineering offers our clients a wide range of services and options. We want to ensure our designs are not only the most innovative, but also easiest to maintain and operate for the client. We work with you to come up with the most cost-efficient solutions while maintaining quality, performance and the best modern technology has to offer.

AME is the company you need to design, manage and maintain your project from start to finish. We pride ourselves on having the best trained, most knowledgeable and experienced team. Our company has a full in-house hardware and software engineering department, full in-house 3D graphics team to customize your floor plans to your specifications and a special team solely dedicated to rapid submittal turnaround time, for project timeliness. We also offer full design build engineering services, a commissioning department as well as measurement and verification. We offer all of this to ensure you are receiving the best possible service and to show you that we want to partner with you not only in the present, but also in the future.

Our goal is to create engineering solutions that will give you completely systematized designs allowing you to easily begin the construction phase. Below are some of the engineering services we provide:

Full In-House Hardware & Software Engineering Department
In-house 3D Graphics Team
Custom 3D Floor Plans
A Special Team for Rapid Submittal Turnaround Time
Full Design Build Engineering Services
Commissioning Department
Measurement & Verification

To receive a quote on our services please visit us at: www.ame-inc.com

AME Inc. – Connected Buildings Made Smarter